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Bio Fattorie Toscane ha intrapreso un percorso di equity crowdfunding, vale a dire un modello di raccolta fondi che punta a coinvolgere singoli investitori nel capitale sociale (equity) di una società.

Dal 1 giugno Bio Fattorie Toscane è presente su StartsUp, un portale autorizzato dalla Consob per la raccolta on line di capitale di rischio da parte di aziende innovative come la nostra. Abbiamo deciso di portare avanti il nostro progetto insieme a voi, con persone che condividono le nostre stesse idee e i nostri stessi valori, coinvolgendovi in una campagna di crowdfunding.

Non vi resta che collegarvi a StarsUp ed entrare a far parte di Bio Fattorie Toscane.

  • Goji berry, an ally to our health

    The nutritional value of Tuscan Goji berry is included in the so-called super fruit, true allies of our health. They combat cell aging thanks to their high vitamin content, minerals, fibers, enzymes, antioxidants and fito-nutrients.

  • We are in the process of converting to Demeter

    Our cultivation of Tuscan goji berry in the Val di Chiana (Arezzo) is organically certified and we are in the process of converting to Demeter. Our company has launched important research projects with Italian universities which have verified the properties of our Tuscan Goji berry.

  • But open to the whole world

    Bio Fattorie Toscane is an all Italian capital company, founded on a project of production, processing and valorization of the Tuscan Goji berry. But our doors are open to the world and our products are valued and sought after even abroad.

  • 8.200

    In the Val di Chiana, we have selected and planted 8,200 Lycium Barbarum plants. We are among the principal European producers of Goji berry. We are in the process of converting to Demeter and, with these techniques that respect the environment, we obtain products with unique characteristics.

  • 3,5

    Our land is in Val di Chiana (Arezzo). It is here, in Tuscany, that the Goji berry has found its ideal environment in which to flourish. We transform our organic Tuscan Goji berry into compotes, jams, and juices following artisan processes and use fruit and vegetables predominately from our region.

  • +20%

    Our Tuscan Goji berry, a product of bio-dynamic farming, has demonstrated on average a 15-20% higher content of zeaxantina dipalmitato with respect to the best fruits in distribution. Zeaxantina is the principal antioxidant in Goji berries, easily assimilated by our organism.

  • 100

    In 2015, we had our first, true harvest of Goji berries. Our production of Tuscan Goji berry will increase over the years to about 100 tons of the fresh product. We hope to reach this productive capacity in 2019. The Goji berry falls into the category of supplements with antioxidant properties